Hey guys,
Today I want to give you some informations about "Guy Fawkes Day" and "Halloween"!
The "Guy Fawkes Day" is celebrated on November 5th.
It is in memory of an unsuccessful plot to blow up the King and Parliament in 1605.
More young than older people celebrate the day, they make big fireworks and sit on bonfires and roast potatos and sausages in the fire.
Nowadays the children make figures out of rags or clothes and display them in the streets and collect money to buy fireworks.
In some parts of Great Britain they also celebrate "Halloween". Children dress up as witches or ghosts and play ducking for apples.
In the USA, children go from house to house and play "trick or treat".
You want to know more about "Guy Fawkes Day" or "Halloween", ask in the comments!
Very nice Kevin :D