Hey guys,
at the end of april a few of my classmates are going to Dublin for participating in a project called Erasmus. Basically it's about working abroad for an foreign company. I want to tell you some of my thoughts, the advantages and disadvantages and why I chose to work for an austrian company instead.
One of the big advantages of working for an foreign company is, that you can really improve your language skills and general business skills. Another advantage would be, that you can meet new people and experience their lifestyles and culture.
But I personally chose to work for an austrian company because I am a bit afraid of working completely alone in an unfamiliar environment aswall as I get homesick very easily. I think for lots of other people these points might be disadvantages too.
Working for an austrian company has also advantages for example you can also gain a lot of experience and maybe you can handle more tasks and for some it might be easier to communicate with other employees.
What do you think about internships in foreign countries? Tell me down in the comments!