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Friday, January 26, 2018

Business Etiquette

Hey guys,

Recently we have been discussing about business etiquette lately.

There are some important rules you should keep an eye on concerning business meetings and other things in business life. I want to share with you my Top 3 most important points:

1) Say "Please" and "Thank you"
Always say these two words, even in a very casual professional atmosphere, this basic form of courtesy is still imperative.

2) Be punctual!
Being on time schows others that you value their time.

3) Watch your language!
Be careful and choose your words wisely. Rude or offensive language is unacceptable aswell as slang.

In my opinion these three points are the most important in business, so I wanted to give you a quick insight on these. I hope I could help you master your working day with those impressions.
